Category: Ghost of Tsushima

  • Ghost of Tsushima Shipped!!!!

    Apologies to the one and a half people that may actually check this blog frequently for new content. Needless to say, I’ve been busy for the past few years working on Ghost of Tsushima. I’m SO excited that it has shipped, is in player’s hands, and they seem to be loving it. It’s been especially humbling to see people calling out audio as something they love. We knew the music and voice acting was pretty top notch, but to see so many comments about the sound design and even the mix has been such a treat. I’ve got a handful of posts and videos I’ll be sharing over the next few months going into some of the detail of the sound design for the game, some of our recording practices and other fun stories from the field.

    For now, here’s an interview I did with Jennifer Walden for A Sound Effect that talks a little bit about some of the fun we had creating sounds for this special project: